At Sacred Earth, we hold the belief that individuals can achieve healthy living through a balanced diet, conscious living practices, natural remedies, and therapeutic approaches. Our primary services encompass Herbal Medicine, Iridology, Bach Flower Remedies, and Kundalini Yoga.
Detailed information for each service is provided below. Once you have identified the service that resonates with you, kindly proceed to book a session.

Iridology is an assessment tool which looks at the fibres, markings and colours of the eye to understand a person’s constitution and overall health. The study of eyes has been a part of natural medicine for centuries with archaeologists finding records going back 3,000 years ago to China, India, Tibet and Egypt. It was only during the nineteenth century did Europe adopt this practice and begin investigating it.
The eyes are a curios part of our being and are said to be as unique as ones fingerprint. The eyes are the windows to our souls holds much truth as through iridology it provides insight into an individual’s personality and the areas of their body which they may need to be mindful of.
Through careful case taking and iris analysis, an iridologist is able to recommend specific dietary, natural therapeutics and lifestyle changes that can benefit the individual to improve their health and wellbeing. Iridology can support a number of individuals of varying ages going through a variety of ailments and conditions; or individuals simply wishing to understand their constitution better and increase their health and vitality.
Herbal Medicine is a traditional practice which has been used by many cultures throughout the centuries and dates back beyond ancient Egypt. Its practice centres on using medicinal plants to treat illness and ailments of varying degrees. In the past herbalist would listen and take into account the state of one’s mind, soul (spirit) and body, then allow the plants to speak to them on the herbs which would best heal them. This concept has remained in herbal medicine throughout the ages while evolving at the same time to keep up with the times. Not only keeping in mind the spiritual and unseen energies of the plant but the scientific and chemical aspects as well.
Within our practice the herbalist will take a person’s case asking them about their current health, their medical history and diet. After which they will then take an in-depth photo of their irises and use this along with the case notes to provide dietary and natural therapeutics which will best benefit the individual. Once the consultation is complete the herbalist will recommend specific herbal remedies and create them for the person.
We strive to make each herbal formulae unique to fit the individual’s personal needs which will support them on their own healing journey.

Bach flower remedies aim to restore emotional harmony. By easing daily stress, addressing mild mood concerns, calming anxious feelings and reducing frustration and anger, it seeks to create a balance in areas of energetic disruption. Dr. Bach, the founder, believed that illness was the result of a conflict between the purposes of the soul and the personality’s actions and outlook. This internal war, leads to negative moods and to “energy blocking”, causing a lack of “harmony”, thus leading to physical diseases. He realized that an individual’s emotional outlook influenced the course, severity, and duration of the disease.
This Therapy is gentle and subtle so that improvements tend to happen gradually and almost imperceptibly. The flower essences act as catalysts for psycho-spiritual change and mind-body health.
Kundalini Yoga is a practice that combines breath work, meditation, and physical postures to increase energy, improve mental clarity, enhance creativity, and develop a deeper connection to the self and Creation. The benefits of Kundalini Yoga include enhanced health and wellbeing, greater physical flexibility, a more comfortable back, stronger and balanced immune, digestive, eliminative, and nervous systems. You will gain greater calmness, clarity, creativity, and improved concentration, a working understanding of the mind/body connection, and a self-guided ability to relax and rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit. The classes are designed to meet your individual needs where you will learn and practice physical postures, breathing exercises, stress release and relaxation techniques, guided imagery and affirmations, mantras, kriyas, and meditations.

Homeopathy is a system of natural health care that has been in worldwide use for over 200 years. Homeopathy aims to stimulate the body’s natural defences or healing mechanisms and processes to bring healing not only to the symptoms, but also the underlying cause of illness or discomfort. Physical disease often has mental and emotional components, so a homeopathic diagnosis includes physical symptoms, current emotional and psychological state, and the person's constitution. A person's constitution includes qualities related to creativity, initiative, persistence, concentration, physical sensitivities, and stamina. The right remedy for a condition will take all of these aspects into account, so each diagnosis and remedy is individualized.